Hotel & Hospitality

Superior sustainability for world class destinations

Proven results for the Hospitality industry

Sustainability is important to your guests and to the planet. SHARC & PIRANHA reduce energy consumption and saves you money on your hot water, laundry and pool heating costs – making a positive impact on the environment while also boosting your bottom line. 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to upgrade your property and appeal to eco-conscious travelers!

Contact us today to learn more about the SHARC energy system and how it can benefit your business.

Have a Project in mind?

Contact us to get started with wastewater energy

Ski & Snow Resorts

Our innovative solutions not only help you reduce your energy consumption, but also save you money on your snowmaking costs. You can make a positive impact on the environment while also boosting your bottom line. 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to upgrade your resort and appeal to eco-conscious winter sports enthusiasts. 

Contact us today to learn more about the PIRANHA energy system and how it can benefit your business.

SBV chooses SHARC!
Aura, a residential development in Snowmass, Colorado, has installed SHARC Energy’s Wastewater Energy Transfer (WET) system to reduce its carbon footprint, capturing energy from wastewater and using it to heat and cool buildings. This helps to reduce the development’s energy use and lower its greenhouse gas emissions.
Industries & Use Cases

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