Cooling & Water Conservation

Why use wastewater to support cooling?

Offload Cooling Towers

Cooling towers use an enormous amount of fresh water to evaporate and get rid of excess heat. If they don’t need to work as hard, they use less water.

Redirect, instead of wasting

Why exhaust heat when you have unsatisfied hot water demand? Using wastewater stops heat energy from leaking out of the building and puts it to better use.

Reduce fresh water usage

Use wastewater to eject unwanted heat, reducing the load on Cooling Towers and saving fresh water.

Wastewater energy helps with Cooling & reduced water consumption

Don't exhaust unwanted heat when you can reclaim its energy while reducing the load on water-hungry cooling towers!

Cooling Case Study: DC Water

DC Water saves over 1.5 Million gallons annually using their SHARC 660 Wastewater Energy Transfer (WET) system.

Find out more by visiting the DC Water customer case study

Example wastewater cooling configurations

Industries & Use Cases

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