Energy as a Service

Energy as a Service (EaaS) is a utility model that allows developers to install a complete wastewater energy transfer and geothermal exchange system with no upfront capital costs by working with an experienced asset manager to unlock the value of this unified renewable energy technology with no risk.

How It Works: Wastewater Energy Transfer Geothermal Exchange System

An Energy as a Service (EaaS) model allows developers to unlock the value of a geothermal exchange system and wastewater energy system, at no cost and no risk. The pairing of these systems can transform the energy landscape for buildings and positively impact global sustainability goals making net-zero emissions a reality.

EaaS may be for you if the project is:

At the heart of these solutions lies the merger of wastewater energy recovery technology and geothermal exchange systems.

Wastewater energy recovery utilizes waste heat from domestic wastewater flows, while geothermal exchange taps into the earth’s constant subterranean temperatures. Together, these technologies provide an exceptionally efficient heating and cooling solution, replacing traditional, carbon-emitting HVAC systems.

Accelerating the Path to Net Zero with EaaS for WET Geothermal Exchange Systems

Build a more valuable development today. Access the most advanced technology and reduce utility fees with EaaS.

Service providers shoulder the upfront capital costs of the Wastewater Energy Transfer Geothermal Exchange System, allowing building owners to enjoy the benefits of renewable energy at a fixed monthly fee. This approach bypasses significant initial costs, accelerates project approvals, and reduces operating expenses, offering a compelling financial scenario for developers. From conception to operation, this integrated solution ensures a seamless transition to sustainable energy. Comprehensive benefits include zero-capital cost for system design and feasibility, state-of-the-art technology for active system management, and full warranty support throughout the contract duration. With such combined solutions, the path towards zero cost, zero risk, and net-zero emissions becomes clear and feasible.

Why Energy as a Service?

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