Wastewater energy is poised to disrupt the clean energy market!

After 10 years of wastewater heat recovery R&D and real-world customer implementations, SHARC Energy (CSE:SHRC) is poised to be “an overnight success.”

The perfect storm of SHARC mobilizing business development in 2019 and the world’s focus on climate change has thrust SHARC into an enviable position of having road-tested carbon reduction technology ready to meet today’s increasing demands.


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12 reasons why SHARC is a great clean tech stock

Proven results & track record

We have a 10 year head start on R&D and happy, international customers.

Increasing Carbon Taxes

Carbon Taxes are here and rising, making all carbon reduction technologies worth exploring.

Worldwide focus on climate change

Climate change is in the news and on the minds of the entire world.

Increased Green Legislation

Countries around the world are enforcing stricter carbon reduction laws, with more coming!

Record Government Clean Tech Funding

Record levels of funding are available to accelerate clean tech carbon reduction adoption.

Unique amongst clean technologies

Wastewater is uniquely consistent and works in any climate, amplifying other clean technologies.

Huge addressable market

$20B market opportunity estimated for New York State alone as they scramble to reduce carbon.

Established Sales Network

SHARC has an expansive network of professional sales & engineering organizations actively pitching us.

Sales & Marketing engine developed

Business development team is now 2 years experienced and built out.

Green is a part of brand

Our customers can brag about being greener and attract eco-conscious buyers in competitive industries.

New category of CO2 & energy savings

Wastewater has proven benefits, but until recently wasn't often considered - that's changed!

Reduces load on other heating & cooling

Wastewater acts as a thermal buffer to reduce load on other power & HVAC equipment.

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