Multi-Family Residential


Multi-award winning Sustainable Townhomes

North Vancouver, BC

The Seven35 building on the North shores of Vancouver is a multi-award winning development and is the first installation of the PIRANHA wastewater heat recovery system.

At the forefront of sustainable building, Seven35 has aggressively adopted several SHARC beta installations and became a key proving ground of SHARC & PIRANHA efficiency to the world (see EPRI Incubate Energy Challenge.)

In March 2020 the 60 sustainable, two-story townhomes installed a PIRANHA T10 HC which uses wastewater to recover and save homeowners up to 75% in energy costs.

Site Info
Product Installed Project Type Project Size Commissioned Developer Engineer Architect
PIRANHA T10 HC Multi-Family Residential 60 Townhomes June 2012 - SHARC 660
April 2016 - PIRANHA T10
March 2020 - PIRANHA T10 HC
Adera Stantec Consulting Ltd. Integra Architecture
Application Max DHW Temp Approx % DHW Load Design Energy Output (MBH) Design Cooling Capacity (MBH) Average PIRANHA Efficiency (COP) Baseline Baseline Efficiency
DHW + Cooling 140°F / 60°C 100% 120 96 3.7 Natural Gas 85%
GHG Reduction (metric t CO2e/year) Net Energy Reduction (MMBTU/year) Energy Reduction vs. Baseline Avoided Fossil Fuels (Therm/year) Approximate Impact
Cars off Road Tree Offsetting CO2e
49.6 720 78% 9,350 10.8 2,255

Quick Facts

  • Energy savings of 75%
  • GHG production reduced by 90%
  • Installed heat capacity of 120,000 Btu/h
  • LEED Platinum
  • Built Green Gold
  • CHBA BC award for most energy efficient and sustainable community
  • The average water usage per town home is 250 gallons per day at an average exiting temperature of 20°C (68°F). 

The yearly Incubatenergy Challenge is put on by Electric Power Research Institute and includes substantial energy partners such as Con Edison, Ameren, Southern California Edison and many others, interested in finding innovative energy solutions for the world.

SHARC Energy was among winners to receive a pilot that gives SHARC the opportunity to have our technology officially vetted & spotlighted – read the EPRI page for more info.

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