Multi-Family Residential

3200 Bluff

Boulder Commons Phase II

Boulder, CO

3200 Bluff Street is the second phase of a larger mixed-use development in Boulder, Colorado. 

This two-building, 98,000 square foot development will be directly adjacent to the first Boulder Commons project for which Integral Group also provided engineering and design services.

One building will consist primarily of offices and the second building will be a multi-family residential building. 

Video Testimonial

"We tried everything else, and wastewater was the most impactful."

Watch how Morgan Creek Ventures elevated their sustainable building design with Wastewater Energy

3200 Bluff Boulder Commons

Product Installed Project Type Project Size Commissioned Developer Engineer Architect
PIRANHA T5 Residential 37 Units - - - -
Application Max DHW Temp Approx % DHW Load Design Energy Output (MBH) Design Cooling Capacity (MBH) Average PIRANHA Efficiency (COP) Baseline Baseline Efficiency
DHW 120°F / 50°C 80% 120 N/A 3.25 Propane -
GHG Reduction (metric t CO2e/year) Net Energy Reduction (MWh/year) Energy Reduction vs. Baseline Avoided Fossil Fuels (therm/year) Approximate Impact
Cars off Road Tree Offsetting CO2e
53.8 89 44% - - -

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